Posts tagged ‘craft fair’

May 19, 2010


by izabela

>I have to start preparing myself for my next craft fair as i am running out of stock a little so i am making my Delicate Necklaces and going to make more earrings, there is a little bell ringing in my head to start on something new but i dont know if i find the time for it…

as the time is running fast i am going to invite you all to come to London to We Make London Spectacular at Chelsea Town Hall and see and buy from local artists and makers the most unique and original things… i will remind on this blog closer to the date about the venue, but put it in your diaries 26th June 2010, from 11am to 5pm

some time ago I made this lovely top and sent it to someone and if you would like to meet her go to her blog here, she is a fantastic crocheter and keeps this great blog and also other one where she wrote about my top

thank you so much Aileen 🙂

December 7, 2009


by izabela

>I thought that I can have a good rest after my fairs but not yet, still orders to finish and send off before Christmas and Secret Santa Swap to make and send… but…

I want to say thank you to all of you – I did well in Oxford and really well in London (what I didn’t expect as there was so many great makers… and definitely will be trying to Make London and Make Christmas next year as well…

all the Handm@de Fairs I attend are perfectly organised and I love the atmosphere and fantastic people and now I can say same thing about We Make – everything well organised, advertised, huge thank you to Mary, Jo, Laura, Julie and Karin from the We Make team this was amazing day indeed…

so if you are looking for something really unusual and different than from your High Street stores, and especially something made really careful and in the best quality you should be looking at the designers selling on those venues and under their name…

November 28, 2009


by izabela

>I am not ready at all, what I have I have now just finishing touches to some creations and thats it…

tomorrow in Oxford Town Hall from 11am till 5pm you can see me and buy my creations if you want…

more details here…

and see you soon!

October 14, 2009


by izabela

>soon there will be many lovely Christmas shopping events and you can meet me at two of them…

first one at the same place as last year my first craft fair and it was great so I am heading that way again…

Oxford Town Hall

29th November
from 11am to 5pm

if like more details go to Oxford Handmade blog here

and the second one:

We Make London
at Chelsea Town Hall
Kings Road

Saturday 5th December
from 11am to 5pm

more details on the We Make London blog here

and you can read the interview with me here

July 1, 2009


by izabela

>just a quick post as I have some great news for you…

if you are by any reason, near Winchester this Sunday (between 10.30am and 4.30pm) please pop in to Handm@de Winchester fair in Guildhall and see me as I am offering 20% discount off the marked price on all items for those who mention my real name or my Crafteroo or Twitter ID or my blog name and (!) sign up for the newsletter 🙂

so looking forward to see you

and a little preview of what I am going to have there

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May 4, 2009


by izabela

>Winchester event very soon, so if you want to see what lovely things you can get there visit our treasury and give us some love…

and visit the Handm@de Craft Fairs website for more events and details…

March 23, 2009


by izabela

>on Saturday me and Ania went to London together, to see the Stitch & Craft Show… the day was planned way ahead and we were planning to go (vintage) shopping as well, after spending few hours at the show, but what we didn`t expect was that we will spent there all day… I think if you working long hours and long week or got kids to keep an eye on all the time you don`t get time to really spent time away from home for such a long time… so for us this place was fantastic… all shops for crafters in one place, bargains, workshops, art & craft mad people… I felt almost like in heaven… I was touching all the yarns there, spent all my savings (ha!) met some lovely people and had a great day with a friend with similar interest like mine… we were talking, laughing, discussing and learning new skills…

w sobote Ania i ja wybralysmy sie do Londynu, na targi (w wolnym tlumaczeniu) Szycia I Rzemiosla… dzien zaplanowalysmy sobie duzo wczesniej i chcialysmy po spedzeniu jakiegos czasu na targach isc na polowanie (uzywanych lub nie) starych skarbow, czyli ja to nazywam “vintage shopping”, niestety zadna z nas nie spodziewala sie ze na targach spedzimy caly dzien… mysle, ze kiedy pracuje sie kazdego dnia po wiele godzin i prawie caly tydzien albo ma sie male dzieci szanse na takie wypady nie zdarzaja sie czesto… wiec dla nas miejsce bylo niesamowite… wszystkie sklepy z zaopatrzeniem w jednym miejscu, oferty, szkolki, szaleni artysci i rzemieslnicy… ja czulam sie prawie jak w niebie… wymacalam wszystkie mozliwe rodzaje wloczek, wydalam wszystkie moje oszczednosci (ha!) poznalam interesujacych ludzi i spedzilam wspanialy dzien z kims kto ma calkiem podobne zainteresowania jak ja… rozmawialysmy sobie, usmialysmy sie, podyskutowaly i nauczyly nowych umiejetnosci…

if you visit my blog often you know that I am a bit crazy and whenever I see something I want to try myself… but this time actually it was Ania, she said lets try this and so we did… we met Ziggy who was selling his own (re-invented by him) tool to knit a cord, some people may know this as a lucet technique I bought the tool only because of Ania but I can use it to teach my children something different… here is my first handmade cord…

jesli ktos tu zaglada dosyc czesto to wie ze na punkcie nowych sztuk rzemiosla mam bzika i jak tylko cos nowego widze to musze sprobowac… tym razem jednak to Ania ponosi odpowiedzialnosc za nowy zakup, bo mowila choc sprobujemy tego… poznalysmy Ziggiego ktory sprzedawal swoje wlasne narzedzie (przerobione na nowo przez niego) do dziergania sznurka, niektorzy moga znac to jako technike lucet (ja nie znalam tego w ogole, w czsach gdy nie mialam jeszcze intenetu), ale wiem ze napewno przyda sie chocby do nauczenia dzieci czegos zupelnie innego… a tu moj pierwszy recznie dziergany sznurek…

but what made me a very happy bunny was meeting Rachel who I have seen knitting on youtube with a 1000 strands at the time (!!!) – extreme knitting; when we found her I noticed a huge crochet hooks she makes herself and just had to buy one (at the moment only the smallest size but I will get bigger one as well)

ale co ucieszylo mnie najbardziej bylo spotkanie Rachel, ktora to juz wczesniej widzialam dziergajaca na drutach na youtube z 1000 nitek jednoczesnie (!!!) – druty ekstremalne; kiedy ja znalazlysmy zauwazylam ze ma ogromne szydelka ktore wytwarza samodzilenie i oczywiscie tez takie zapragnelam (kupilam najmniejszy rozmiar jaki miala ale wiem juz ze kupie i wiekszy)

and this is something I just tried but now I have got started a rug for my children room and will show you photos very soon…

a oto mala probka ktora zrobilam zeby zobaczyc jak to dziala ale juz zaczelam dywanik do dziecinnego pokoju, a zdjecia juz niedlugo…

January 30, 2009


by izabela

>I just received a message that my neckwarmer was featured on Found Handmade blog with all the lovely chocolate items… check it here

wlasnie otrzymalam wiadomosc, ze moj szyjogrzej zostal wyrozniony na blogu Found Handmade razem z innymi slicznymi czekoladowymi rzeczami…

and I am being busy working mum and I don`t know when will I have the time to share everything I want with you readers and viewers of my site… not too soon, but sharing some things makes me feel better than not sharing anything, so the preview of my latest WIPs, the photos were taken in the night time so they are not too good and please forgive me that…

i jestem ostatnio tak zapracowana mamusia i nawet nie wiem kiedy bede miala wiecej czasu zeby podzielic sie z wami wszystkim co sie wokol mnie dzieje… ale napewno nie za szybko, zatem dziele sie tym czym moge, bo mysle, ze lepiej tak, niz wogole, oto wiec moje ostatnie prace “w trakcie”, zdjecia niestety nocne, wiec prosze o wybaczenie bo nie beda najlepszej jakosci…

and the bootees I recently made for my niece were absolutely hit I made two pairs one pair for home and one to the church where is not too hot inside…

buciki ktore ostatnio wydziergalam dla mojej siostrzenicy byly absolutnym hitem, zrbilam dwie pary – jedna po domu a druga do kosciola, w ktorym jak wiadomo za cieplo nie jest…

another fantastic news are: I will not only be at Handm@de Cambridge this year, I am going to be at Handm@de Winchester and Handm@de Oxford again… I am so happy as I think the places are fantastic to visit themselves but being there for such a reason is even better…

a z innych fantastycznych wiadomosci: nie tylko bede wystawiac moje dziergadelka na kiermaszu rekodziela w Cambridge w tym roku ale tez jade od Winchesteru i znow do Oxfordu… jestem przeszczesliwa bo miejsca sa urocze same w sobie do odwiedzenia a co dopiero jechac tak w takim celu – jeszcze lepiej…

December 21, 2008


by izabela


November 14, 2008


by izabela

>the time is flying by and I want to blog about so many things but lately I am lost in time so I will try to catch up…

czas leci tak szybko i tyle mam do napisania ostatnio ale nie znajduje czasu, sprobuje jednak cos niecos nadrobic…

Kerry from PennyDog accessories has put together our first treasury with some Crafteroo related items and I am in!

Kerry stworzyla nasza pierwsza forumowa skarbnice z produktami ludzi zwiazanych z Crafteroo i mnie tez w niej umiescila!