by izabela

>I cannot believe I am still at the computer browsing net, everything is because the airline they flying back – WIZZAIR. Flight was delayed 3 hours and 20 minutes, and I cannot believe that this company is still running having lately so much troubles with timing, we always used to choose them and never had any problems, but they seem to be the worst of all the cheap flying companies now… we have to change it next time.

And waiting, and being so stressed out and nervous I did not even try to touch any of my WIPs so I (hmmm… of course?) started a new project a new doily but I don`t know when I will be able to show it (not today eeeh…)


Nie moge w to uwierzyc, nadal siedze przed komputerem, przegladajac ulubione strony, czekajac na moje dzieciaki. Leca firma WIZZAIR i lot byl opozniony 3 godziny i 20 minut, jak oni jeszcze lataja, majac ostatnio takie problemy z dotrzymaniem terminow, wczesniej nigdy takich problemow nie mialam a zawsze tymi liniami latalam do kraju… nastepnym razem wybierzemy inne.

I tak czekajac w stresie, zdenerwowana nawet nie moglam dotknac zadnego z zaczetych projektow, wiec (hmmm… oczywiscie?) zaczelam nowa serwetke, ale kiedy bede mogla ja pokazac to zupelnie nie wiem (napewno nie dzis eeeh…)


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