by izabela

>I started teaching myself to make Kanzashi flowers, I know – I want to learn too many crafts and I will never be great with one, but everything I see and like I want to try, so I thought I will share my first attempt at this; what was not too good because I messed everything up, but the idea of this trinket is very nice…

Zaczelam uczyc sie robic kwiaty Kanzashi, wiem ze chce sie nauczyc za wiele i nigdy bede dobra w zadnej z nich, ale jesli cos widze i podoba mi sie to zaraz chce sprobowac, wiec pomyslalam ze pierwsza probka tez sie podziele; ktora wlasciwie nie jest za dobra bo wszystko popsulam, ale sam pomysl na ta ozdobke jest dobry…

first I made squares 1,5″ and tried to make a petal and I found them too big (me – stupid)
then I made them half the size and made a flower, but decided I need “something different”
and last when I started making “it different”, the petals started to fall apart because the glue was still soft and I have no practice yet, and you can see the mess

najpierw przygotowalam kwadraty 4 cm i sprobowalam zrobic platek ale nie pasowal mi bo wydawal sie za duzy (glupia ja)
potem zmniejszylam rozmiar o polowe i zrobilam sliczny kwiatek, ale zdecydowalam zrobic “cos innego”
i ostatecznie zaczelam robic “cos innego”, platki zaczely odpadac bo klej byl jeszcze miekki i nie mam jeszcze praktyki , i mozecie zobaczyc ten balagan

I thought as well I share little progress on commission for a friend

pomyslalam rowniez, ze warto byloby podzielic sie postepem w pracy nad specjalnym zamowieniem dla przyjaciela…

8 Comments to “>WIPs – NOT CROCHETED…”

  1. >Skąd ja to znam – tę chęć próbowania wciąż nowych rzeczy z rękodzieła.A kwiatuszek wygląda fajnie/

  2. >dzieki, ja mysle ze dziwnie ale broszka bedzie ladna z niego 🙂

  3. >Oh, I've often wondered how these were made! Didn't realise they were quite so involved though, yours doesn't look bad at all!!!

  4. >That flower is beautiful!

  5. >Izabela….this was a great post! Very very interesting flower and little guy!

  6. >Your flowers are lovely! I'm trying to learn origami, but its not going great. These look far more interesting than a badly folded crane! Keep it up, try everything, your work is beautiful

  7. >ha Stichlily, I am going to learn origami next, I think I got a bit crazy now…

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